It is known, that purpose of education isn’t simply to increase number of university entrants collecting 700 points
to get expected results from school leavers.
- To listen and to understand: To answer questions relating to the listened text;
- Speech skills: To speak on picturesque (descriptive speech) and a picture with a plot (telling a story);
- Small motor skills: coloring, constructing, writing according tocalligraphic rules;
- Cognitive skills- expressing information in other way: to drawing a picture according to text, work with texts, based on pictures and to construct mathematical expressions on base text and picture;
- Reading skills: reading with optimal rate,conscious reading, expressive reading;
- World outlook: To speak about alive and lifeless things and about their significance
- Posture problems
- Eye sight problems
- Physical development
It is known, that purpose of education isn’t simply to increase number of university entrants collecting 700 points
- 3. Psychical healthy and socializing
Psychic emotional state
Intellect correspondingto age
Healthy emotional state
Functional work skills
- Socialization
Definition of interest to the first social group- school, social adaptation;
Learning of social skills with purpose of formation of child “a pupil-a teacher”, “a pupil-a pupil” relations;
Attitude to a teacher and to classmates
4. Carrier of values and, reviving them in them deeds-national profile
1.Strong 5.Modern
2.Brave 6.Witty
3.Organizing 7.Honest (knowing and providing rights)
4.Creative 8.dignity
Three areas of sustainable development and STSM Project
Surrounding environment:
- The objective of the project is education of physically-psychicallyhealthy, creative citizen. Cases of sedentary life style, non-healthy food weakens human’s body, sensitiveness of such organisms increase non-infectious and infectious diseases. With aim to be able to fight with ecologic problems, it is necessary to be healthy, sound and activefrom physical standpoint. Increase of landscape gardening at school area, making of gardens, construction of sport complexes and also creation of healthy environment by means of technologies, oriented to active life style, education of active life and inoculation of skills of environment protection is the objective of the project.
- Sin Healthy Education classes,in environment free from physical-psychical, moral pressure, independent on language, religious, racial, sexual, national, social status, creates for every child conditions to receive high quality education, to protect physical-psychicalhealth while receiving education, to learn behavior of healthy life style and to become positive transformation to the society.
- By investing capital to preventive, hygienic measures for healthy formation of human capital from infant age during school years,state will spend fewer finances for medical treatment measures of that generation in future.
- Along with this, training methodology, based on problems and projects,is completed by formation of future entrepreneurs, producing by tangible and intangible products.
- Human being, who received education in healthy environment, who has physical-psychical healthy creative thought, is able settling raised small and large social problems and is formed, as a citizen, contributing to development of society and ensuring his economic welfare economic problems.
Annual dynamics analysis of number of boys of the 1st group at mobilization
Annual dynamics analysis of the number of marriageand divorce cases
Annual dynamics analysis of the number of healthy birth ratio
Examination blocks
Examination on 4 areas is carried out within frame of the project:
a) medical-hygienic
b) Pedagogical
j) Social-psychological
d) Gender
Methodology of the study
- a) On medical and hygienic area
- Anthropometricexaminations
- Physiological examinations
- Clinic examinations
- b) On social-psychological area
- Observation
- interview, testing
- Psychodiaqnostics
- c) On pedagogical area
- Quality studies
- Quantity studies
- d) Gender
- approach “equality is not identity”
- Statistical analyses based on gender