Health Protection of learners, is their legal right
1. Development Program of the United Nations Organization- 2015-2030
2. UNESCO Education for Sustainable development
3. International Convention onthe rights of the child
4. The Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic
5. The law of the Azerbaijan Republic on education
6. The Law of the Azerbaijan Republic on the rights of the child
7. The Law of the Azerbaijan Republic on sanitation and epidemiologic wellbeing
8. The state strategy on education development in the Azerbaijan Republic
9. State standards of general education stage and curricula
Development Program of the United Nations Organization for 2030
Development Program of the United Nations Organization for 2030
UNESCO Education for Sustainable development (ESD)
ESD contents: integration of such issues, like training, climate change, biodiversity, decrease of accident risk, sustainable consumption and production.
Pedagogic and training environment:Training and education is compiled with interactive methods, pupil oriented base with aim to learn, to study, to create and to change. New look at training environment: physical environment, virtual and on-line condition must inspire pupils for activities directed to sustainability.
Training outcomes:Stimulation for training and also critical and systematic thinking, cooperation decision making, propagation competencies such, as for responsibility for present and future generations.
To change the society: To present authorities on society reformation to any age, any education level pupils to change themselves and the society they live.
- To make possible transformation to green (sound) economy and society
– To prepare persons, attaining education for “the green work”
– To motivate persons for adoption of sustainable life style;
- To settle global problems by attracting people for active participation on global and local level and eventually to become “a citizen of the world” being active donor for creation of more just, more quiet,more peaceful, more tolerant, moreinclusive, more safe and more sustainable world
Convention on the rights of the child
Article 6
2.States Parties shall ensure to the maximum extent possible the survival and development of the child.
Article 24
3. States Parties shall take all effective and appropriate measures with a view to abolishing traditional practices prejudicial to the health of children.
Article 29
1.States Parties agree that the education of the child shall be directed to:
a) (a) The development of the child’s personality, talents and mental and physical skills to their fullest potential;
Article 32
1.States Parties recognize the right of the child to be protected from economic exploitation and from performing any work that is likely to be hazardous or to interfere with the child’s education, or to be harmful to the child’s health or physical, mental, spiritual, moral or social development.
Health Protection of persons, attaining education,is their legal right
The Constitution of the Azerbaijan Republic
Article 39. Right to live in healthy environment
I. Each person hasa right to live in healthy environment.
Article 41. Right of the health protection
I. Each person has a right to protect his/her health and to get first medical aid.
III. According to law action is brought against high ranking officials, concealing facts and cases creating hazard for life and health of people.
The Law of the Azerbaijan Republic on education
Article 32. Rights and responsibilities of learners
32.3.10. enjoy a learning environment that is free of health risks and hazards;
32.3.11. enjoy protection from behavior that humiliates human dignity and honor and contradicts the human rights;
Article 33. Rights and responsibilities of educators
33.3.7. Toprotect children and young persons from any form of physical, psychological violence, to deter them from harmful habits;
The Law of the Azerbaijan Republic on the rights of the child
Article 8. Right of the child to live and to develop
Each child enjoys a right to live and to develop in normal condition from physical, mental and moral standpoint. With aim to provide this condition, the State undertakes commitment to provide economic, social, legal and other measures and to establish safe and hazard free environment.
Article 9. Right of the child onlife and health protection
Each child enjoys a right on life and health protection. The State provides life protection and health development, creates condition ecologic safety and undertakes corresponding measures for supply with high quality food, drinkable, clean water drinkable clean water.
The state strategy on education development in the Azerbaijan Republic
Strategic targets and measures
1. Creation of person oriented and competence based education contents.
2.1.1. Provision for educators of innovative training methodology and corresponding resource preparation, oriented on development of thinking and person development of learners at all stages of education and taking into account their individual features;
State standards of general education stage and curricula
2.3. General requirements on general education contents are, as follows
- Taking into account training interest, potential possibilities, health safety of learners, to provide disclosing to them of necessary knowledge and intellectual, informative-communicative, psychic motor skills, which are necessary for sustainable development, and which are required in independent life
7.2. Training outcomes defining knowledge, skills and skills of the learners and contents standards cover the following requirements
- With purpose of health protection of learners, to prevent introduction to training process of complicating educational materials.
The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers
The Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers “About approval of general norms on construction, material and technical supply of education enterprises, general sanitary and hygienic requirements, norms on provision of pupils places”
With purpose of execution of 1.25 Article of the Decree No.156 dated 5 September 2009 of the President of the Azerbaijan Republic “On application of the law of the Azerbaijan Republic “On education”, the Cabinet of Ministers
adopts the decision:
To approve general norms on construction, material and technical supply, general sanitary and hygienic requirements, normatives on provision of pupils places” (is attached).
Decrees of the Cabinet of Ministers
The decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Republic No. 171 about approval of “general norms on construction, material and technical supply of education enterprises, general sanitary and hygienic requirements and normatives on provision of pupils places”
2.3. Requirements on buildings
2.3.12. The lessons are calculated taking into account conducting lessons in classroomsplacing children face-to-face with area 2.0-2.5m2per 1 pupilin the form of group and, if conducted individually, then it is 2,5-3,0 m2per 1 pupil.
To add points 12.2-12.4 to point 1.2 about changes to“State standards of general education stage and curricula approved by decree No.103, dated June 3, 2010 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Azerbaijan Republic12.2. If the total number of pupils per one classroom in general education enterprise doesn’t reach 20 persons, then it is allowed to organize classroom with available number of pupil.12.3. If the number of pupils in one classroom exceeds 30 persons and /or number of pupils doesn’t fit the size of classroom, thenthe second parallel classroom is organized for that class.
The Law of the Azerbaijan Republic on sanitation and epidemiologic wellbeing
Article 23. Responsibilities in the area execution of conditions of education,training and industrial experience of children and juveniles.
State bodies, public unions, enterprises, offices and citizens are to provide in pre-school children educational enterprises, secondary schools and technical –vocational colleges, other offices and enterprises envisaging of sanitary norms, hygienic norms, which regulate requirements of sanitary legislation on education and training of children and juveniles, conditions of industrial practice, their everyday life, sanitary and social welfare support, condition of labor and recreation