Hygienic arrangement of Healthy educational class
1. Minimal Area per 1 pupil is 2.0-2s 5 m2
2. Panoramic effect, absence of sharp corners on walls. Absence of straight lines, Dr. Bazarnıy’s trees, absence of straight lines on curtains
3. Didactic hanging plates, moving information
4Correct lighting, work minimal 300 lux on working surface, light, resembling solar light -3000K
5. Hygienic furniture, meeting with 18 hygienic requirements, adapted to height, desks with working surface by 16 degrees inclined seats and desks for standing positions
6. Placing of blackboard according to hygienic requirements
7. Wash basin and high mirror
8. Sport staircase with parallel bars
9. Schemes with universal symbols on the ceiling strengthens eye muscles, develops locomotor system
10. Visual Vestibular training system in the corners of the classroomdevelops reaction, look sideways and vestibular system
11. Healthy education time control desk –signaling after each 15 minutes for lesson management
12. Measurement scale for measurement of height- regular measurement of heights with aim to match to clothes
Issues causing concern of society connected with project
Healthy education-Healthy nation
Consequences of sedentary life style: