Physiology : Human’s health depends on delivery of oxygen and alimentary products to organs and cells. Blood delivers oxygen and alimentary products to organs. While human being is in sitting condition, blood circulation decreases, approximately, by 4 timesand more than 200 muscles are functioning.
Children of school age spend 25% of their awakening time in classroom. Factors, conditioning supply of present international education technologies and equipment of classrooms, require sitting state of children in the classroom during that period.
Thus, for 11 years period, as children are in sitting condition, blood circulation decreases, approximately, by 4 times and more than 200 muscles are functioning. And blood circulation of children, who are accustomed to do jobs in standing state, is normal, and muscle activity is high. Therefore, it is an axiom that children, who are accustomed to do jobs in standing state,are healthier and their physical development corresponds to norm.
2) While standing, children get tired. If a child gets tired, then what must be done? If each child cannot stand for 15 minuteson his feet, then is it possible to change the period?
Physiology : sitting and/or active life style is a skill. Let us recall Nizami Ganjavi’s Fitna play in his work Treasure of secrets. For adaptation of children, accustomed to sit at preschooleducation stageto active life style, certain time is required. As an exclusion, it is possible, to decrease time interval for shifting from standing table desk to sitting desk during school adaptation period for children, who are accustomed to relatively longer sitting life style. Special condition is created for children, who underwent operation and/or require special needs: desk is put both for standing posture and with seating per one child.
3) If a child stands too much on his feet, might vascular distention take place?
Physiology : generally, cases of varicose dilatation at children are observed rarely. And its main reason is pathology. As for concept of standing posture for longer period, then positively, independent on age, if any person is impelled to stand on feet without movement (!) by hours, then this will result at development of varicose disease. In contrary, with preventive measures against varicose disease, scientists recommend to adult persons, and especially, to children to spend in sitting posture, as less time, as possible and to be active during day period.
As a result of squeezing of pelvis veins and veins in knee folding being in sitting posture and inactive state of feetmuscles, speed of black blood decreases, as return of blood from veins is obstructed, it accumulates in venous vessels of lower extremitiesand causes its vasodilation. And functioning of muscles during movement leads to squeezing of vessels and allows better movement of blood.
4) Is it possible to have individually for each pupil both high desk and desk with seat? During period of place changing, a child doesn’t want to change his/her place, what is to be done?
Sociology : This is an educational process. When children change places, they have fruitful conditions for communication. Outcomes of monitoring indicate that socialization of children in Healthy Education grades is observed more frequently, communication and cooperation skills are developed more.
Physiology : Theoretically, it is possible to provide each child for individual standing activity and with sitting desk. However, to do this it is necessary to consider for each child in the classroom an area, at least, 4m2, this requires availability of the area, at least, 96m2for classroom with 24 pupils. Taking into account that according to hygienic requirements, an area of 2- 4 m2 is proper per one person and size of a classroom in majority of Azerbaijan schools is 48m2 and 36m2,minimal area of 2-2,5m2 per each child is considered, as purposeful.
5) Might it be that place changing and training on training equipment after each 15 minutes, would distract child’s attention?
Psychology : Attention of small age schoolchildren is not fully selectiveand scope of their attention, in average, lasts for 15 minutes. Change of seats during lesson and movements by means of simulators shifts their object of interest, allows concentrating attention at next stage and this play an important role at development of attention of schoolchildren.
Physiology : It is recommended for 6 year old children to have per one lesson without breaka writing period for 2min.40sec. in the beginning of a lesson, 1min.45sec in the end of a lesson and a reading period for 8 min. (V.R.Kuchma, 2001). Additionally, after each 15 minutes introduction of micro-pauses (sport minutes) will involve new, non-fatigued areas of cerebra cortexand prevents mental fatigue. Schemes of Universal Symbolson ceiling will strengthen eye muscle, develops locomotor system and Visual Vestibular Training System develops reaction, side vision and vestibular system.
Sociology : Change of seating place after each 15 minutes accelerates socialization process.
6) Unless children sit,it is difficult to keep them quiet.
Psychology, Pedagogics : Training process is to be established taking into account Physiological, Psychological, Sociological requirements of children. Speed of the blood circulation during sitting posture decreases by 4 times, and this causes lowering of physical, cognitive, emotional activity of a child. It is easier to manage a child in such state. Such “easy management” creates hindrances for physical-psychic development, cognitive activity and facilitates his/her “keeping quiet”.
For complete and versatile development of a child, it is necessary to provide freedom of actions and, diversity of training process. Thus, if necessary issues are introduced in order corresponding to interests of children, pupils will be physically and psychically active and independent and, at the same time, their attention will be drawn to a teacher. And in contrary to noise, business activity will be established and this is important from view point of their psychological and social development.
7) If a child hasn’t any interest to lesson, what is to be done?
Psixologiya, Sosiologiya, Pedaqogika : Adaptation of small age school children to school condition requires spending of certain time. If after this period a pupil does not observe rules, then there are definite psychological problems in the area of his/her emotional will.
If a pupil does not display an interest to the process of a lesson, then it means he/she hasn’t reached maturity age and /or interests of certain children were not taken into account during compilation of tasks. In such cases, a teacher must work closely with a school psychologist and a parent. It is necessary to organize individual work with that child and interests are to be introduced into a classroom. Learning process is to be adapted to interests.
8) My child isn’t interested in lesson at all, however, he is anxious to move. What is this connected with?
Physiology, Psychology, Pedagogics : If a child dislike sitting and if he/she is inclined to activity, then this is considered to be a child’s health habit and natural, normal case. As for interest issue, then jointly with a psychologist a teacher can work out for a child training tasks, which are executable in moving state. In such case activities, which are in focus of child’s attention, are compatible, as need for learning. Evidently, many people recall situation, when during our childhood, our mothers were adding some sugar to bitter taste medicine and made us drinking it. Medicine served, as our need and sugar was object of our interest. This is to be taken into account at education of a child too. Thus, if pedagogical process will be constructed on child’sphysical and physiological and psychological features, then child’s motivation to learn will be high. Desks for standing posture and movement freedom at classes of “Healthy Education” will facilitate much to these children at adaptation to the school.
9) Why is it necessary to adapt desks surface by 16 degree to height?
Physiology : “Desks with straight surface weaken eye sight, will stoop shoulders-this had already been proven and had been declared by the founder of science on hygiene of children and juveniles F.Erisman in the end of the 19th century. 18 desks, meeting with hygienic requirements and considered both for sitting posture and standing posture, are used at “Healthy Education” classes. Table surface at “Healthy Education” classes are regulated corresponding to the child’s sun plexus and at the angle of 16 degrees. Such structure of desks provides distance between eye and working surface by 30-35 cm, prevents extra leaning of head and stooping of shoulders, forms correct posture and allows seeing by eye of symbols on sheet of paper under the same angle during writing and prevent overloading of eye organ.

10) How one may explain cases of slight worsening in STS and definite improvement in traditional classes?
Physiology, Psychology, Sociology : Pupils spend, approximately, 25% of their wakeful state in the classes of Healthy Education. Positive changes to a considerable extent are observed in their health during this period. However,healthy education technologies are able protecting and developing the health of pupils only during the lesson. 75% of processes (house conditions, family environment, daily routine, nutrition, extra-school activities etc.) taking place after lesson hoursrefer to parents’ responsibility. Life style of children at that period impacts on their health condition.
11) Children in traditional classes are mostly engaged in handicraft activities, may they be delayed in mathematics, mother tongue, comparing with other classes? Why is the handicraft in the first turn and then speech construction comes?
Physiology : The first signal system (contact and motion analyzers) are more prevalent than second (word) system. Use of audio-visual aids (crafting, drawing etc.) facilitates training process, according to age specific features of higher nervous activity (V.Aliyev 1995). It is proven physiologically, that activity of small hand muscles promotes developing of brain function.
Psychology : Handicrafts are directly connected with development of small motoric skills. And this influences positively and directly on mentality and speech development.
Pedagogics : Handicrafts must not be accepted, as an entertainment.
a) Many children express great interest to handicraft and drawing. Along with development of small motoric skills of children during handicraft and picture drawing process, their interest is also taken into consideration, which in its turn increases learning quality.
b) Children compile examples and tasks on handicraft product, pictures, drawn by them, solve them and create stories and tales about them. They depict tales, which they invented and read them. Such type of activities results in formation of small motoric, creative, mathematical, verbal and speech skills and versatile development.
12) Visual Vestibular Training system affects child’s sight. While training on training equipment his/her eyes are aching. Why? Does this training equipmentform reflex at children? How does it affect ontheir psychical state? Lamps illuminate with high rate, is it possible to reduce their rate?
Physiology, Psychology : 2-3 seconds are required for a person to make decision. 1 second is 1000 milliseconds. For example, making of quick decision by swordsman becomes as a habit and milliseconds are sufficient for him to make decision for him. Lamps of Visual Vestibular Training System give off light with rate of 250 milliseconds in corners of a classroom. Children observe lux by means of their eyes, as much as possible. On proceeding of certain time, quickness is increasing and number of lux “caught by eye” increases. Visual Vestibular Training System in corners of a classroom develops reaction, side vision and vestibular system. Development of quickness during adaptation period may cause sickening, ophthalmalgia Sickening is connected with weak state of vestibular system originating since preschool period. Quickness is also a habit. For developing of this habit it is necessary to conduct continuous training. That habit saves lives of people (driver, pedestrian, soldier etc.) in many critic cases, which occur in future.
13) Why are horizontal bars only for boys in the class, what about girls? Why it isnot allowed to girls to pull on horizontal bars?
Physiology, Pedagogy : Equality is not identity. From view point of equal physiological healthy state of children, with aim of gender equality, it is necessary to take into account individual needs of boys and girls. Thus, monitoring initially conducted among 2500 pupils,indicates, that 40% of boys from 11th gradehave developmental delay. This figure is by 2 times less with girls. According to international experience it is evident, that boys need to move by 3-5 times more comparing with girls. Namely, for meeting with this requirement, horizontal bars, increasing motor activity of boys, are installed in HE classrooms. This doesn’t mean, at all that, if any girl needs more movement, then she isn’t allowed using the horizontal bar. Simply, continuous stretching cause intensive development of upper surroundings and shoulder muscles, this may lead to male shape of body build and delay of pelvis developmentof girls. While boys are training on horizontal bar, girls are dealing with training on sitting and standing for their pelvis development. One of basic principles of the modern education is to create equal development and training opportunities of training for all children. Nevertheless, meeting with individual needs of every pupil is a principal issue.
14) But why must a girl sit with a girl and a boy must sit with a boy? I am against this rule. They speak to each other at the lesson, but when a boy sits with a girl then there is a discipline. A boy with a girl: Must be division equal? At the present stage boys are majorityand number of boys and girls is not equal in class, does it affect on negative girls?
Psychology, Sociology, Pedagogics : Equality is not identity. From physical-psychological view point, comparing with boys, girls are developing quicker till age of twelve years. Due to appertaining of distinct feature of thoughtfulness in girls’ nature, they render assistance to boys in those activities, which they can’t manage. In many occasions they surpass boys by accomplishing of given tasks quicker and with higher quality. If a teacher applying training form of working in pairs, combines boy and girl in one pair, then it is possible to observe that in many cases girl quickly takes initiative and accomplishes tasks in more active way. But boys play role of assistantsand/or observer. Such cases influence on training achievement of boys and, at the same time, reduce their confidence in themselves. With aim prevent occurrence of such cases and for establishing equal conditions for boy and girls, teachers are recommended to give preference of seating boys with boys and girls with girls.
15) Is formation of healthy education relevant only for primary classes, is it not required at later stage?
Physiology, Psychology : For protection of human health it is necessary to organize conditions meeting with psychic and physiologic hygienic requirements not only in senior classes, but also during higher education and at working places too.
16) Will the most part of a lesson be devoted to seat changes and to training on training equipment after each 15 minutes?
Physiology, Pedagogics : Changes of sitting place after each 15 minutes and training on simulator totally 2 minutes is spent. Change of sitting place for two times and training on simulator will take, maximally, 4-5 minutes timein case of accumulation of 45 minute- lesson.