Can an engineerconstruct a corresponding bridge withoutconsideration of physical and chemical lawspecifications?
A Teacher is an Engineer too
- While establishing of pedagogical processes, consideration of individual Physiological, Sociological requirements of learners is the main condition for formation of Healthy and Progressive thinking Azerbaijan Citizen.
Outcomes of educational process without consideration of child physiology
Challenges of existing international educational system
- High level of dependence of the child’s health condition on inter school environment and education form is reflected in hygienic examinations, conducted during recent years.
- School age children spend 25% of their wakeful time in the classroom. According to existing international educational technologies, children are impelled to spend most of their time, namely, sitting in the classroom.
- The main reason is health problems, relating to physical development with movement restriction, posture, eye sight and other health problems, observed at juveniles, who completed general school education. Scientific studies indicate that in some cases only 3-4% of school leavers are completely healthy.
Challenges of existing international education system
The comparative analysis of sickness cases of 14-17 year old juveniles for 2009-2014, issued by the Statistic Committee of the Azerbaijan Republic, indicatesthat during these years this indicator increased by 1.7 times. Particularly, highergrowthis observed in below mentioned diseases:
- Eye sight and adnexa- by 3 times
- Digestion system- by 2.8 times
- Bone-muscle system and connective tissue fiber- by 3.7 times
- Blood circulation system – by 1.9 times
- Diseases of nervous system -by 2.1 times
- Psychic disorder and behavior disorder- by 1.5 times
Challenges of existing international education system
- If in primary classes eye sight problems are observed at 29% of pupils, then this problem is detected at 45% of school leavers;
- Posture problems are detected at 41%pupils of senior classes;
- Though physical development disturbance is observed at 19% among boys of the first grade pupils,this indicator is observed at 33% in the fifth grade, and while finishing the school itreaches 40%. Comparing with boys, girls have this problem by two times less.